Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yes, we are still alive!!!

My mommy is so not the best at keeping all of you readers out there updated on my fun and exciting life! Here are some things I have learned to do in the past few months...
-eat baby food-I love them all!
-sit up like a big boy
-crawl, well ok more like rock and throw myself forward, get back up, rock again...and so on, but it gets me to where I want to go.
-I also have discovered my hands open and close and mommy likes to think I know how to wave "bye bye"
-I am saying more words like La La (thats what I call my dog, Bella), Ba Ba...mommy thinks she heard a Dada but we are keeping it a secret! :)
-My favorite toys are my jumperoo (I will have to see if Mommy can post a video of me jumping), my fishy mirror, and anything I can put in my mouth.
Oh yeah and speaking of my mouth, I have my first tooth coming in. Thats all for now...mommy is going to post some cute pictures of me next!

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