So much has happened since my last post...lets see if I can give you a synopsis of everything thats happened.
-My brother, sister-in-law, and neice all came to visit right before Thanksgiving. This was my first time getting to meet my sweet neice...and Brycens too. They were so cute together and had a great time even though neither one really felt well.
-Christmas...oh my goodness Christmas! All the gifts he got...mostly gifts that he is scared of right now.
-Brycen is talking a lot more these days, eats all big people food now, and is walking behing his push toys.
I can't believe my little boy is about to turn 1. I am so sad that he has grown up so fast, but so blessed that we have him. He changes every single day. Words can't express how deep my love for him is. Enough of the boring stuff...I will post some pics of all the events that has happened since Halloween.